Careers in Power Electronics
How2Power’s Careers in Power Electronics section is intended to help power electronics (PE) engineers and other EEs with experience or interest in power conversion to learn more about career opportunities in various industries.
In this section, you’ll find:
- Articles discussing opportunities, technical requirements, and design challenges for power electronics engineers and related positions in different industries & application areas. Many of these articles contain lists of job openings for PE engineers and related positions in the specific industries being discussed. Though these job listings may not be current, they often provide a barometer of ongoing hiring activity in a particular industry.
- Articles discussing general business and technology trends that may affect hiring of power electronics engineers and related positions.
Articles discussing opportunities, requirements, and challenges for power electronics engineers in various industries and applications.
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What types of jobs are discussed in this section?
Any engineering or engineering management position relating to power electronics or power conversion. Job titles vary, but some of those I have seen in researching articles include:
- Power electronics engineer
- Power system designer
- Power supply designer
- Motor drive designer
- Power magnetics designer
- Power supply applications engineer
| As well as more general engineering titles such as:
- electrical engineer
- electronics engineer
- hardware designer
- analog IC designer
which require knowledge of power supply design or some aspect of power conversion.